Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Good morning from Alaska

Good morning lower 48. It's still dark up here but I can't sleep so I've decided to start a blog. My facebook friend from Florida thought people might be interested in what I have to say about Alaska. Thanks, Ann....let's see where this goes.
The lake is glass calm. The lights from the boat launch across the lake are reflecting on the water and it's beautiful out even though it's dark. It hasn't started to get light yet and I heard a phrase I liked a couple of days ago about how we lose daylight. "In chunks"....I'll start seeing some daylight in about an hour but I don't know how much sun I'll be seeing since they're calling for rain. It's 48 outside right now and we should hit 59 for our high.
59 is cold to me. My husband gives me crap about being cold all the time but if it's not in the 90s I'm going to be cold. Most Alaskans are climatized and feel that the summers are warm up here. Not me....give me heat!! So you'll always see me in a jacket. I go for the layered look. I can always take it off if I get hot, which isn't too often unless of course, I'm having a hot flash but that's a whole other topic. Hope all my friends have a good morning and have a extra cup of coffee for me...

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